We build white box AI for healthcare, entertainment & travel.

White box AI in a nutshell

black box + apps
= white box

An intelligent system of engagement.

Black Box

If white box AI is a bicycle, black box AI is the frame.

Black box AI is the brains behind the operation. Using your data, it processes millions of data points in seconds. But, black box results without applications — like a bike frame without accessories — is useless.

Black Box

If white box AI is a bicycle, black box AI is the frame.

Black box AI is the brains behind the operation. Using your data, it processes millions of data points in seconds. But, black box results without applications — like a bike frame without accessories — is useless.


Once you add wheels, a bicycle starts to emerge. With apps, explainable insights emerge from your data.

White Box

Useful & understandable results.

When fully assembled, a bicycle suddenly makes sense & it’s purpose is revealed — efficient movement. White box AI, the product of black box AI + apps, makes sense of your data by providing understandable and explainable results.

Smarter decisions with smart data.

Propensity modeling

Ad targeting

Predictive analysis

Lead scoring

Better conversion rates & engagement.

Dynamic pricing


Extreme personalization

Increased revenues

Reduction in expenses


Growth potential

Partners & companies that trust us